Parish Finance is your dependable money source for any type loan- personal or business, auto or home, vacation or refinance and more! Located in Jefferson Parish at 2019 Jefferson Highway, phone 833-1957, their professional loan counselors can design a confidential loan to meet your needs and payments to fit your budget. They can arrange a loan in the shortest time possible and all applications can be taken over the phone. They are the oldest locally owned finance company in Jefferson Parish.
Once of the major reasons for the success of Parish Finance Corporation is their friendly, personalized service. In addition, they can offer many more loan options than most large banks have available. They offer loans with simple interest rates, no pre=-payment penalties. With their many options, bill-consolidation can be much more affordable in the long run.
With their services, you can be assured of the best rates and honest advice. Have you wished for a little more money to do a little more? Then let the loan experts at Parish Finance Corporation make those wishes come true!